Other Marian Titles
Ark of the Covenant
Cause of Our Joy
Comforter of the Afflicted
Destroyer of Heresy
Gate of Heaven
Joy of the Just
Health of the Sick
Holy Mary
Holy Virgin of Virgins
House of Gold
The Immaculate Heart
Mirror of Justice
Mother of the Poor
Morning Star
Mother Inviolate
Mother Most Admirable
Mother Most Amiable
Mother Most Chaste
Mother Most Pure
Mother of Christ
Mother of Divine Grace
Mother of Good Counsel
Mother of Orphans
Mother of Our Creator
Mother of Our Redeemer
Mother of Perpetual Help
Mother of Sorrows
Mother of the Son
Mother Thrice Admirable
Mother Undefiled
Mystical Rose
Our Lady of Confidence
Our Lady of Akita
Our Lady of Belle Fontaine Our Lady of Benoite-Vaux Our Lady of Bessiere Our Lady of Betharam Our Lady of Bethlehem Our Lady of Bolougne
Our Lady of Calevourt Our Lady of Cambray Our Lady of Cambron Our Lady of Campitelli Our Lady of Cana Our Lady of Caravaggio
Our Lady of Clermont Our Lady of Clery Our Lady of Clos-Evrard Our Lady of Compassion Our Lady of Conquest Our Lady of Consolation Our Lady of Constantinople Our Lady of Copacabana Our Lady of Coutances Our Lady of Covadonga Our Lady of Craganor Our Lady of Czestochowa Our Lady D'Iron
Our Lady of Didinia Our Lady of Dijon Our Lady of Divine Providence Our Lady of Dordrecht Our Lady of Edessa Our Lady of Egypt Our Lady of Einsiendeln
Our Lady of Emminont Our Lady of Esquernes Our Lady of Exile Our Lady of Faith Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fire
Our Lady of Gifts Our Lady of Good Counsel Our Lady of Good Deliverance Our Lady of Good Haven Our Lady of Good Health Our Lady of Good Help Our Lady of Good News Our Lady of Good Remedies Our Lady of Good Success
Our Lady of Good Tidings, Lempdes Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace, Normandy Our Lady of Grace, Paris Our Lady of Great Power Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guam Our Lady of Guard Our Lady of Guidance Our Lady of Happy Assembly Our Lady of Haut
Our Lady of Helbron Our Lady of Highest Grace
Our Lady of Hildesheim Our Lady of Ireland Our Lady of Justinienne Our Lady of Kazan Our Lady of Kieff Our Lady of Kiev Our Lady of Knock Our Lady of Kuehn Our Lady of La Carolle
Our Lady of La Rochette
Our Lady of La Salette
Our Lady of Lac Bouchet
Our Lady of Las Lajas
Our Lady of Last Agony
Our Lady of Laon
Our Lady of Lavang
Our Lady of Liesse
Our Lady of Life
Our Lady of Light
Our Lady of Ligny
Our Lady of Miracles Brescia
Our Lady of Miracles Paris
Our Lady of Miracles Rome
Our Lady of Molanus
Our Lady of Molene
Our Lady of Mondevi Our Lady of Moreneta Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Monte-Senario Our Lady of Montserrat
Our Lady of Naples Our Lady of Narni Our Lady of Naval Our Lady of Nazareth Our Lady of New Our Lady of Oegnies Our Lady of Oropa Our Lady of Oviedo Our Lady of Paris Our Lady of Peace Our Lady of Pellevoisin Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Port Louis Our Lady of Power Our Lady of Premontre Our Lady of Prompt Succor Our Lady of Abundance or Prosperity
Our Lady of Pucha Our Lady of Puig Our Lady of Puy Our Lady of Quito Our Lady of Ransom Our Lady of Ratisbon
Our Lady of Rheims Our Lady of Rocamadour Our Lady of Rocks Our Lady of Rossano Our Lady of Rouen Our Lady of Safety Our Lady of Saideneida
Our Lady of Saussaie Our Lady of Schiedam Our Lady of Schier Our Lady of Scutari Our Lady of Seez Our Lady of Sichem
Our Lady of Spire Our Lady of Succor Our Lady of Tables
Our Lady of the Conception
Our Lady of the Conception, Flanders
Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd
Our Lady of the Don
Our Lady of the Doves
Our Lady of the Empress
Our Lady of the Fields
Our Lady of the Flowering Thorn
Our Lady of the Forest
Our Lady of the Forests
Our Lady of the Founders
Our Lady of the Fountain
Our Lady of the Fountain, Constantinople
Our Lady of the Rock
Our Lady of the Rosary
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Our Lady of the Silver Foot
Our Lady of the Slain
Our Lady of the Snows
Our Lady of the Star
Our Lady of the Star, Portugal
Our Lady of the Vault Our Lady of the Vine Our Lady of the Way Our Lady of the Woods Our Lady of Tongres Our Lady of Tortosa Our Lady of Trapani Our Lady of Treves
Our Lady of Vaussivieres Our Lady of Verdun Our Lady of Victories Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory, Spain
Our Lady of Zell
Our Lady the Helper
Our Lady Refuge of Sinners
Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Tabernacle of the Lord
Temple of the Most Holy Trinity
Treasure House of God's Graces
Queen of Angels
Queen of Heaven
Queen of Patriarchs
Queen of Prophets
Queen of Apostles Queen of Martyrs Queen of Confessors Queen of Virgins Queen of All Saints Queen Conceived Without Original Sin Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Queen of Peace Refuge of Sinners Seat of Wisdom Singular Vessel of Devotion Spiritual Vessel Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit Star of the Sea Tower of David Tower of Ivory Vessel of Honor Virgen de la Antigua Virgin of the Battles Virgin of the Kings Virgin Most Prudent Virgin Most Venerable Virgin Most Renowned Virgin Most Powerful Virgin Most Merciful Virgin Most Faithful